Middle and Secondary Education with Certification


Bachelor of Science in Middle and Secondary Education with Certification
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Professional Programs


Lane W. Clarke
Chair, Department of Education


The mission of the Education Department is to prepare lifelong reflective educators who exhibit flexibility, compassion, collaboration, and student-centered pedagogy knowledge and skills.

The Education Department offers strong experiential, student-centered, and responsive program preparing students to develop:

  • Knowledge of content and instructional practice
  • Professional dispositions
  • Pedagogical skills

Our vision is to prepare future educators to have an exponential impact on the lives of their students and the broader community.

The core values that drive the Education Department and guide our ethos, principles, and standards are:

  • Knowledgeable Professionals
  • Collaborative Practitioners
  • Inclusive and Culturally Competent Educators
  • Reflective Life-Long Learners

Major Description

Students complete a four-year curriculum leading to a Bachelor’s Degree of Science. Maine State requirements mandate 24 credits in a discipline area. Students can either choose to double major in Middle and Secondary Education along with a major in an academic discipline that leads to certification or major in Middle and Secondary Education with an academic area concentration (24 credits). Academic disciplines at 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í leading to secondary certification are: Biology (and associated life science majors), Chemistry, English, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, History, Marine Biology, Mathematics and Political Science. The Education programs provide professional teacher preparation courses culminating in a semester of student teaching.

Curricular Requirements

There are three paths that students can take as a Middle and Secondary Education Major.

Double Major

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Middle and Secondary Education with Certification may double major in an academic area that leads to a second Bachelor of Science degree. Options include Life Sciences, Applied Mathematics, and Physical Science.

Dual Degree

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Middle and Secondary Education with Certification may dual degree in an academic area that leads to a second major that is not a Bachelor of Science degree. Options include English and History (Social Studies).


Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Middle and Secondary Education with Certification may pursue an academic area concentration. Concentrations are available in Mathematics, Biology, Environmental Science, Physical Science (Chemistry and Physics), History, English, Marine Science, and Physical Education.

Middle and Secondary Education Certification with Double Major

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Professional Core CoursesCredits
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 110 – 21st Century Learning Through Technology3
EDU 202 – Curriculum & Assessment3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
EDU 303 – Reading and Writing in the Content Areas3
EDU 488 – Secondary Practicum3
EDU 498 – Secondary Internship and Seminar12
SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data Based Decision Making3
Total Professional Core Credits36
Select one (1) appropriate methods course from the following list:Credits
EDU 436 – Teaching Secondary English3
EDU 437 – Teaching Secondary Science3
EDU 438 – Teaching Secondary Social Studies3
EDU 439 – Teaching Secondary Math3
EDU 441 – Methods of Art Education3
Total Methods Elective Credits3
Double Major Subject Requirements (see requirements for your major: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Marine Sciences, Applied Mathematics)Variable
Open Electives (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Required Total Credits120

Middle and Secondary Education Certification with dual degree

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Professional Core CoursesCredits
Select one (1) appropriate methods course from the following list:Credits
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 110 – 21st Century Learning Through Technology3
EDU 202 – Curriculum & Assessment3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
EDU 303 – Reading and Writing in the Content Areas3
EDU 488 – Secondary Practicum3
EDU 498 – Secondary Internship and Seminar12
SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data Based Decision Making3
Total Professional Core Credits36
EDU 436 – Teaching Secondary English3
EDU 437 – Teaching Secondary Science3
EDU 438 – Teaching Secondary Social Studies3
EDU 439 – Teaching Secondary Math3
EDU 441 – Methods of Art Education3
Total Methods Elective Credits3
Dual Degree Subject Requirements (see requirements for your major: Art, English, and Political Science)Variable
Open Electives (as needed to reach 150 credits)Variable
Minimum Required Total Credits150

Middle and Secondary (7-12) Education with Academic Area Concentration

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Professional Core CoursesCredits
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 110 – 21st Century Learning Through Technology3
EDU 202 – Curriculum & Assessment3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
EDU 382 – Literacy Research-Based Instructional Methods3
EDU 488 – Secondary Practicum3
EDU 498 – Secondary Internship and Seminar12
SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data Based Decision Making3
Total Professional Core Credits36
Select one (1) appropriate methods course from the following list:Credits
EDU 436 – Teaching Secondary English3
EDU 437 – Teaching Secondary Science3
EDU 438 – Teaching Secondary Social Studies3
EDU 439 – Teaching Secondary Math3
EDU 441 – Methods of Art Education3
Total Methods Elective Credits3
Concentration Requirements (see requirements below for Academic Area Concentrations)Variable
Open Electives (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Required Total Credits120

Field Experience

The faculty in the Education programs are committed to ongoing and frequent observation and involvement in schools. The teacher education programs at 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í have a specific competency-based focus to meet the Maine standards for teacher certification. All students engaged in teacher preparation will spend time in a field setting in each of the semesters for which they are registered for professional education courses. Involvement in the schools will be connected to specific, course-related tasks (e.g., observation, teaching lessons, conducting experiments, administering assessments, etc.). Transportation to and from schools is the responsibility of the student.


Without specific permission from the Education Chair, courses may not be taken during the internship semester, so all required coursework must be completed the semester prior to the internship. Admission to the internship is not guaranteed and students must have reached Advanced Standing to apply. In addition, the student should have:

  • Sufficient knowledge regarding the components of effective instruction.
  • Sufficient knowledge of appropriate grade-level content and teaching methods.
  • Sufficient knowledge of the developmental needs of students.
  • Sufficient knowledge of how to establish and maintain effective cooperative relationships with school personnel, students, and parents.
  • Understanding of and empathy for working with students.
  • No serious professional behavior reservations.

The selection of individual internship sites will be made by the Certification and Placement Officer.

Geographical location relative to 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í is a consideration. 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í has a collaborative relationship with many districts and selects both schools and teachers based on their interest in and ability to assist interns in demonstrating mastery of the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards. Placement in an internship is not guaranteed. The Department of Education, through its Certification and Placement Officer, will make a good-faith effort to negotiate an appropriate placement. Schools have the right to refuse placement requests. The 15-week student teaching internship experience must be done in a local Maine Public School that is in an established internship protocol with the 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í.

Professional Educator Review Board (PERB)

All students enrolled in the internship must demonstrate their teaching competence with respect to Maine Common Core Teaching Standards before the Professional Educator Review Board (PERB). The Board is comprised of professional educators from area schools as well as 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í faculty. Students are required to develop a presentation reflecting their proficiency in meeting these state standards and present and defend the presentation in front of the Board. Passing PERB is a requirement for completion of the certification program and subsequently being recommended to the Maine State Department of Education for teacher licensure.

Advanced Standing

All students in education certification programs must apply for admission to advanced standing when they have completed approximately 60 credit hours. To apply for advanced standing, students must develop a portfolio demonstrating how they have met proficiency in the following areas: a) teaching skills, knowledge, and disposition aligned with the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards; b) basic academic skills and c) professional skills. This portfolio is evaluated by a committee of education faculty and a pass/fail determination is made based on a holistic rubric.

Students not meeting these criteria do not remain enrolled in a certification program; however, students do have the option of changing their major to a non-certification major such as Educational Studies. Students can reapply for advanced standing upon completion of each additional semester up until their second to last semester (i.e., students graduating in Spring must meet advanced standing by the beginning of the previous Fall semester.



Maine Certification Area: 300 Math (MAT)
Concentration CoursesCredits
MAT 150 – Statistics for Life Sciences3
MAT 190 – Calculus I4
MAT 195 – Calculus II4
MAT 212 – Discrete Mathematics3
MAT 220 – Linear Algebra3
MAT 240 – Geometry3
MAT 321 – Applied Statistics I3
One (1) MAT course at 200 level or above3–4

Concentration in Environmental Science

Maine Certification Area: 395 Life Science (BIO, ENV, MAR)
Concentration CoursesCredits
BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular with Lab4
ENV 220/220L – Conservation and Preservation with Lab5
Four (4) Credit ENV or MAR Elective Course4
Twelve (12) Credits of 300-level or higher ENV Elective Courses12

Concentration in Biology

Maine Certification Area: 395 Life Science (BIO, ENV, MAR)
Concentration CoursesCredits
BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Introduction to Ecology and Evolution with Lab4
BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology with Lab4
BIO 200/200L/200S – Genetics with Lab and Recitation or BIO 207 – Organismal genetics4–5
BIO 400 or higher level elective3–4
One (1) Physiology topic area course3–4
One (1) Ecology topic area course3–4
One (1) Organismal topic area course3–4

*See Biology Curricular Requirements Below


Maine Certification Area: 350 Physical Science (CHE, PHY)
Concentration CoursesCredits
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I with Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II with Lab4
CHE 210/210L/210S – Organic Chemistry I with Lab and LabLecture5
CHE 307/307L – Quantitative Analysis with Lab or CHE 310/310L – Fundamentals of Biochemistry with Lab4–5
PHY 110 – General Physics I or PHY 210 – University Physics I4
PHY 111 – General Physics II or PHY 211 – University Physics II4

Concentration in Physical Science – Physics Track

Maine Certification Area: 350 Physical Science (CHE, PHY)
Concentration CoursesCredits
PHY 110 – General Physics I or PHY 210 - University Physics I4
PHY 111 – General Physics II or PHY 211 - University Physics II4
PHY 208 – Energy and Climate Change3
PHY 305 – Revolutions of 20th Century Physics3
PHY 310 – Biophysics Structure and Motion or PHY 320 - Medical Physics3
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I with Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II with Lab4

Concentration in Physical Science – Multi-disciplinary Track

Maine Certification Area: 350 Physical Science (CHE, PHY)
Concentration CoursesCredits
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I with Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II with Lab4
CHE 210/210L/210S – Organic Chemistry I with Lab and LabLecture5
PHY 110 – General Physics I or PHY 210 - University Physics I4
PHY 111 – General Physics II or PHY 211 - University Physics II4
PHY 305 – Revolutions of 20th Century Physics3
MAR 270/270L – Oceanography with Lab4
MAR 366 – Adv Oceanography I: Geological/Biological3

Concentration in History

Maine Certification Area: 200 Social Studies (GEOG, HIS, ECO, POL)
Concentration CoursesCredits
HIS 222 – US History I3
HIS 223 – US History II3
Five (5) HIS Electives (HIS 290 – Historical Research Methods & Writing Recommended)15

Concentration in English

Maine Certification Area: 100 ENG/LA (ENG)
Concentration CoursesCredits
ENG 115 – Classics of British Literature I3
ENG 116 – Classics of British Literature II3
ENG 200 – US Literature I: Writing, Revolution and Resistance3
ENG 201 – US Literature II: Cultural Diversity and Common Identity3
ENG 206 – Introduction to Literary Theory3
ENG 334 – Methods of Literary and Cultural Criticism3
One (1) Global Literacy Elective such as ENG 329 – Topics in World Literature or ENG 403 – British Lit and Its Others or ENG 405 – Topics in Postcolonial Lit3
One (1) Interdisciplinary Literacy Elective such as ENG 221 – Justice3

Concentration in Marine Science

Maine Certification Area: 395 Life Science (BIO, ENV, MAR)
Concentration CoursesCredits
MAR 105/MAR 105L – Evolution/Ecology of Marine Organisms with Lab4
MAR 106/MAR 106L – Cellular/Molecular Biology of Marine Organisms with Lab4
MAR 250/MAR 250L – Marine Biology with Lab4
MAR 270/MAR 270L – Oceanography with Lab4
Two (2) MAR Elective Organismal Biology Area Courses** (see Marine Curricular Requirements)6–8
One (1) Non-Organismal Marine Science Course** (see Marine Curricular Requirements)3–4

**See Marine Curricular Requirements Below

Middle and Secondary Education with Certification With Physical Education Concentration

The Physical Education Concentration includes 26 credits offered through the Exercise and Sport Performance Department. This 26-credit concentration needs to be added to either an Elementary or Middle and Secondary Education Major.

To complete this concentration a student can major in Middle and Secondary Education with an academic discipline concentration and then add the 26-credit concentration enabling the student to be certified in Middle and Secondary Education and get a Conditional Certification in Physical Education. Please note, Physical Education is not a stand-alone concentration.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core with Certification Requirements – Choose One (1)Credits
Physical Education Concentration CoursesCredits
Secondary Education CoursesCredits
Minimum Required Total Credits120–125
English Conditional Certification – Must take nine (9) credits of ENG in the Coren/a
History Conditional Certification – Must take nine (9) credits of HIS in the Coren/a
Life Sciences Conditional Certification – Must take BIO 105/105L as Core Coursen/a
BIO 208/208L – Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
BIO 209/209L – Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
EXS 180 – Motor Learning and Performance3
EXS 310 – Kinesiology and Biomechanics3
EXS 320 – Exercise Physiology with Lab or EXS 205 – Sports Physiology3
EXS 330/330L – Fitness Evaluation and Prescription with Lab3
EXS 340 – Concepts of Strength and Conditioning3
ATC 306 – Psychology of Sport and Exercise3
Total Physical Education Concentration Credits26
EDU 105 – Exploring Teaching3
EDU 110 – 21st Century Learning Through Technology3
EDU 202 – Curriculum and Assessment3
SPE 220 – Exceptionality in the Classroom3
EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools3
EDU 382 – Literacy Research-Based Instructional Methods3
EDU 486 – Practicum3
EDU 492 – Student Teaching12
SPE 405 – Inclusive Methods and Data-Based Decision Making3
Total Secondary Education Credits36
Conditional Certification Requirement Courses (see below)16–19

Curricular Area Requirements

Ecology AreaCredits
Organismal Biology AreaCredits
Physiology (Cellular Biology) AreaCredits
BIO 333 – Evolution3
BIO 350/350L – Ecology with Lab4
BIO 204/204L – Parasitology with Lab4
BIO 208/208L – Introductory Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
BIO 209/209L – Introductory Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
BIO 223/223L – Health, Nutrition, and Feeding Cultured Organisms with Lab4
BIO 232/232L – Microbiology with Lab or BIO 234/234L – Environmental Microbiology with Lab4
BIO 245/245L – Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology I with Lab4
BIO 345/345L – Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology II with Lab5
MAR 252 – Natural History of Marine Mammals3
MAR 310/310L – Phycology with Lab4
BIO 319/319L – Ornithology with Lab4
MAR 320/320L – Invertebrate Zoology with Lab4
BIO 323/323L – Principles of Aquarium Operations and Science with Lab4
BIO 330/330L – Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy with Lab4
MAR 331/331L – Biology of Fishes with Lab4
MAR 355/355L – Biology of Marine Mammals with Lab4
MAR 375/375L – Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays with Lab4
BIO 203 – Histology4
BIO 208/208L – Introductory Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
BIO 209/209L – Introductory Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
BIO 245/245L – Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology I with Lab4
BIO 345/345L – Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology II with Lab5
BIO 322 – Comparative Animal Physiology3
BIO 365 – Immunology3
BIO 370 – Cell/Molecular Biology3
BIO 404/404S – Neuroscience with Recitation4
MAR Organismal Biology CoursesCredits
Additional MAR Courses (not Organismal Biology Courses)Credits
MAR 310/MAR 310L – Phycology with Lab4
MAR 312/MAR 312L – Plankton with Lab4
MAR 320/MAR 320L – Invertebrate Zoology with Lab4
MAR 331/MAR 331L – Biology of Fishes with Lab4
MAR 355/MAR 355L – Biology of Marine Mammals with Lab4
MAR 375/MAR 375L – Biology of Sharks, Skates, Rays with Lab4
MAR 430 – Deep Sea Biology3
MAR 442 – Aquatic Invasive Species3
BIO 421/BIO 421L – Coral Reefs with Lab4
MAR 210 – Intro to Marine Science Research1–4
MAR 230 – Directed/Independent Study in Mar Sci1–4
MAR 252 – Natural History of Marine Mammals3
MAR 275 – Intro to Mar Honors Research1–4
MAR 295 – Marine Science Internship1–4
MAR 316 – Science and Society3
MAR 326 – Experimental Animal Physiology3
MAR 335/MAR 335L – Animal Behavior/Behavioral Ecology with Lab4
MAR 350/MAR 350L – Marine Ecology with Lab4
MAR 354 – Ecological Aquaculture3
MAR 410 – Marine Science Research1–4
MAR 415 – Independent Study in Marine Sciences1–4
MAR 418 – Symbiosis3
MAR 421/MAR 421L – Marine Science Topics with Lab4
MAR 424/MAR 424L – Physiological Ecology of Fish with Lab4
MAR 428 – Marine Conservation3
MAR 432/MAR 432L – Fisheries Biology with Lab4
MAR 451/MAR 451L – Marine Biology Topics with Lab4
MAR 464 – Polar Biology3
MAR 495 – Adv Marine Science Internship1–4
BIO 221 – Principles of Aquaculture3
BIO 222/BIO 222L – Finfish/Shellfish Culture Techniques with Lab4
BIO 223/BIO 223L – Health, Nutrition, and Feeding of Cultured Organisms with Lab4
BIO 323/BIO 323L – Principles of Aquarium Operations with Lab4

Completion Requirements

All coursework, including the internship, should be completed within a five-year timeframe. A delay beyond the five years might warrant the retaking of coursework. Furthermore, if state certification requirements change prior to your completion even within the five-year timeframe, those changes must be incorporated into a revised program plan, in order to meet state certification regulations.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of their bachelor's degree, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of the Maine Common Core Teaching Standards
  • Demonstrate professionalism through accountability and engagement
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral formats
  • Demonstrate appropriate dispositions as defined by professional expectations

Transfer Credit

Individuals who have full acceptance in the Teaching Certification Program can transfer up to, but no more than six (6) education credits from other universities.

In-service or workshop-type courses that do not carry college credit will not be accepted for transfer equivalency.

No course of any kind will be accepted from other institutions after your acceptance into the program at 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í without a course equivalency granted prior to the course being taken.


See Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.


Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í for the 2023–2024 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication April 28, 2023.

The 911±¬ÁÏÍøºìÁì½í reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.