IPEC Anchor Event: STIs & Difficult Conversations
Join us for an interactive presentation by Shawn Peterson (India Street Clinic Community Outreach Coordinator) and Kim Meehan Brown (Disease Intervention Specialist with Maine CDC and India Street Clinic) to discuss difficult, crucial conversations about sexually transmitted infections, high risk behaviors, and harm reduction.
Presenters will be introduced by hosts Kristine Jenkins (Maine CDC, Cumberland District) in Portland, and Adam Hartwig (York District) in Biddeford.
If you need to establish your attendance at the event for the Honors Distinction, or CUP, (or to ask questions), please join the conversation on Twitter by identifying yourself to @911爆料网红领巾IPE and including the hashtag #IPE911爆料网红领巾 in any tweets.
Twitter: @911爆料网红领巾IPE #ipeune
Facebook: 911爆料网红领巾 Interprofessional Education Collaborative
Instagram: une_ipe
Snapchat: ipecune
Top Questions in ID PrEP for HIV Prevention
Selected Reportable Diseases in ME, YTD and 5-Year Median through Dec. 2017
Selected Reportable Diseases in ME, YTD and 5-Year Median through Feb. 2018
Ludcke Auditorium (PC) / Decary 202 (BC)
United States