ANTH 215E Health, Healing, Culture: Intro to Medical Anthropology | ANT 211 Medical Anthropology (SGA) |
ART 313E History of Spanish Art | ARH 260 Renaissance & Baroque Art (EXP for CAS and Creative Art for WCHP) |
CHE 211E Organic Chemistry II w/lab | CHE 211G Organic Chemistry II w/lab (911爆料网红领巾 institutional credit) |
ECON/POL 321E European Union | BUEC 399 European Union (ADV) |
ECON 331E Global Economy | BUEC 399 Global Economy |
BUS 325E International Marketing | BUMK 335 International Marketing |
BUS 334E International Management | BUMG 335 International Management (ADV) |
BUS 346E International Finance | BUFI 399 International Finance |
BUS 335E International Human Resource Management | BUMG 302 Human Resource Management |
BUS 358E Organizational Theory | BUMG 301 Organizational Behavior |
BUS 359E Entrepreneurship and New Ventures | BUMK 312 Entrepreneurship/Small Business |
BUS 504006 Microeconomics | BUEC 204 Microeconomics |
BUS 504027 Financial Management I | BUFI 315 Business Finance Concepts and Skills |
BUS 504010 Intro to Financial Accounting | BUEC 101 Intro to Business & Economics |
BUS 504028 Management Accounting | BUAC 201 Financial Accounting |
BUS 501037 Corporate Management & Business Ethics | BUMG 311 Business & Society Relations |
LIT 367E Nobel Prizes in Spanish and Latin American Literature | ENG 299 Nobel Prizes in Spanish and Latin American Literature (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
LIT 365 Literatura Espa帽ola Contempor谩nea (taught in Spanish) | ENG 299 Literatura Espa帽ola Contempor谩nea (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
HIS 312E History of Spain | HIS 399 History of Spain (ADV) |
SPAN/HIS 335E Historical and Cultural Ties between Spain and U.S. | HIS 399 Historical and Cultural Ties between Spain and U.S. (ADV) |
HIS 341E Early Modern and Modern Spain | HIS 399 Early Modern and Modern Spain (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |
HIS 322 Historia Contemporanea de Espana (taught in Spanish) | HIS 399 Historia Contemporanea de Espana (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |
REL/HIS 357E Christianity, Islam and Judaism in the Spanish Context | HIS 399 Christianity, Islam and Judaism in the Spanish Context (ADV) |
NUTR 301E The Mediterranean Diet: From Fiction to Facts | ELE 199 The Mediterranean Diet: From Fiction to Facts (EXP) |
ECON/POL 321E European Union | PSC 399 European Union (ADV, Comparative Politics or International Relations for PSC majors) |
POL/HIS 352E Road to Democracy in Portugal, Greece, Spain | PSC 399 Road to Democracy in Portugal, Greece, Spain (ADV, Comparative Politics for PSC majors) |
POL 363E US-European Relations since WW II | PSC 399 US-European Relations since WW II (ADV, International Relations for PSC majors) |
POL 372E Contemporary Spanish Politics | PSC 399 Contemporary Spanish Politics (ADV, Comparative Politics for PSC majors) |
PSY 251E Cultural Psychology | PSY 254 Cultural Psychology (SGA) |
PSY 255E Social Psychology | PSY 255 Social Psychology |
PSY 260E General Sports Psychology | PSY 345 Sports Psychology |
SPAN 315E Spanish Civilization and Culture | SOC 399 Spanish Civilization and Culture (SGA) |
SPAN 319E Spanish Culture and History through Film | SOC 399 Spanish Culture and History through Film (SGA) |
SPAN 329E Spanish Culture Up Close | SOC 399 Spanish Culture Up Close (SGA) |
Spanish Intensive (prior to start of semester) | SPA 190 Spanish Intensive (2 credits, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 101 Intensive Elementary Spanish | SPA 101 Basic Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 102 Espa帽ol Elemental | SPA 101 Basic Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
PAN 201 Espa帽ol intermedio I | SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 202 Lectura y Redacci贸n Intermedio | SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 206 Conversaci贸n en Espa帽ol (nivel intermedio) | SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 241 Espa帽ol intermedio II | SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish (EXP, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 226 Spanish for the Health Professions | SPA 305 Spanish for Health Professions |
SPAN 306 Conversaci贸n Avanzado | SPA 305 Advanced Spanish Directed Study (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 311 Espa帽ol Avanzado I | SPA 305 Advanced Spanish Directed Study (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 312 Lectura y Redacci贸n Avanzado | SPA 305 Advanced Spanish Directed Study (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |
SPAN 351 Espa帽ol Avanzado II | SPA 305 Advanced Spanish Directed Study (ADV, Latin American Studies Minor) |