Marilyn Gugliucci completes 18-month Award funded by John A. Hartford Foundation and STTI Honor Society of Nurses

Marilyn Gugliucci, Ph.D. 911爆料网红领巾COM Dept of Geriatric Medicine (mentor) and Amy Cotton, MSN, Eastern Maine Health Care System (mentee) successfully completed their 18 month award funded through the John A. Hartford Foundation and Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nurses.  Dr Gugliucci and Ms Cotton were one of 16 Mentor/Mentee pairs chosen nationally to develop a project that would change the field of nursing. Claudia  Beverly, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor; Director, Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, UAMS* Campus Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging was the faculty advisor provided by STTI to support project development.   Ms. Cotton's project was entitled: "The Always/Never Care Model漏: Eliminating Harm to Older Adults." 

The ANC Model漏 is a framework for health care professionals to promote evidence based clinical practices that should "ALWAYS" be accomplished and clinical practices or outcomes that should "NEVER" occur when providing health care to older adults.  The Model漏 outlines the process for identification and measurement of desired ALWAYS and NEVERS for excellence in geriatric health care, drives performance for achieving goal results utilizing a gap analysis technique and recommends strategies to sustain results. The Model is adaptable to all levels of older adult care. Dr. Gugliucci and Ms. Cotton presented their Model at the 40th Biennial Sigma Theta Tau International Convention in Indianapolis on November 1st , 2009. The presentation was attended by Norman H. Volk, President of the Board for John A. Hartford Foundation.

*University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences