β€˜Mainebiz’ highlights 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν’s robust nursing program as state faces nurse shortage

911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν Nursing

The 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν’s Westrbook College of Health Profession is helping to train the next generation of nurses in Maine. 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν’s nursing programs were highlighted in an article in Mainebiz about the looming shortage of nurses facing the State of Maine.

According to the latest Maine Nursing Forecaster, the state will face a 3,000 nurse shortage by 2025 unless it takes action to recruit nurses from out-of-state and increase capacity for nursing education.

911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν is already moving toward those goals, attracting students from Maine and out-of-state. As Mainebiz reported, enrollment in 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν’s nursing programs has tripled in the last 5 years. β€œDespite the rapid growth, the program remains strong,” said Director of Nursing Jennifer Morton, D.N.P., M.P.H., APHN-BC. β€œOur NCLEX (National Council of State Boards of Nursing) pass rates are well above the national average and the highest in Maine in 2016 for all programs, demonstrating high quality education along with growth.”

In Fall 2017, 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν is also re-launching its Bachelor of Science Nursing completion program at a 50% discount to be competitive for the working nurse. Additionally, in the last 4 years, the 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν Department of Nursing has received two prestigious Nurse, Education, Practice, Quality and Retention (NEPQR) federal grants totaling $1.9 million to build new models of clinical education in the community.  β€œThis releases some of the burden of hospitals and the shortage of clinical sites,” Morton said.

To learn more about the 911±¬ΑΟΝψΊμΑμ½ν’s Westbrook College of Health Professions visit

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