Nancy MacRae, M.S., OTR/L, FAOTA
Nancy has been in the 911爆料网红领巾 Occupational Therapy department for 28 years and the profession for 52 years. She is past President of the Maine Occupational Therapy Association, past Director of the department, and past Chair for the University Faculty Assembly. Her work has focused on death and loss, sexuality, leadership, interprofessional education, and work. She has published many articles and chapters and has co-edited an OT text, now in its third edition. She is now retired but continues to teach as an adjunct professor.
Her meaningful occupations include baking, basketry, traveling, walking, yoga, and reading.
Selected publications
MacRae, N. (2013). AOTA Fact Sheet: Sexuality. Bethesda, MD: AOTA.
Jacobs, K. & MacRae, N. (2013). Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence, second edition. Thorofare, NJ: Slack Incorporated. (co-editor and author of a few chapters)
WORK journal, 41 (3), Special Issue on Interprofessional Education. Co-authored article on Building a Sustainable academic-community partenrship: Focus on fall prevention, 261- 267, and a sole authorship of Turf, team, and town: A geriatric interprofessional education program, 285 - 292.
MacRae, N. (2010). Sexuality and aging in R.H.Robnett & W.C. Chop, eds, Gerontolgoy for the health care professionals, second edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartl;ett Publishers, 235 - 258.
Jacobs, K, & MacRae, N. (2013). Mentoring others in their development as writers in A writer's toolkit for occupational therapists and health care professionals: An insider's guide to writing, communicating, and getting published. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
Other scholarly activity
Member of Editorial board of the WORK journal, since its inception
Invited plenary presentation
August 16 & 17, 2013: One of two presenters (with Dr. Karen Jacobs) for the first ever OT national conference in Slovenia, entitled: Building Mosaic of Health and Well-Being
Research interests
Older adults